Get Connected with Skype APK
Isn’t wonderful to talk to your loved ones not only verbally but also you can see their face at the same time. And what’s best is that it’s free. Try skype-ing now.

Google Buying Motorola, Googorola or Motoogle, Which should be it?
Google is to buy Motorola Mobility for 12.5 Billion Dollars, mobile phone division. Google’s reason? To protect Android from patent attacks. How? Motorola phones existent since 1973 has 17,000 telecommunication technology patents 7,500 on the process. These will provide Google a barrier from those patent sues.

My Idol Steve Kondik has been Pirated by SAMSUNG
I think I must have been expecting this from Samsung’s gesture of giving free flagship phones to few people in the modding community (probably to lure them in vying offerers). Though I am using a ROM created by MIK, but Hey Steve Kondik is the founder, the starter of the MODs which I should be grateful of.